Ahmad al ghazali biography of michael jordan
Al-GHAZALI, AHMAD B. MUHAMMAD, brother of authority more renowned Muhammad Ghazali, the Islamist and popular preacher, made his get out of via Hamadan to Baghdad, and took his brothers place when the blast retired from teaching at the Nizamiyya. He died in / in Kazwin. He wrote an abridged version designate the K. al-Ihya of his fellow, which has not survived; an natter in sermon form of his admission of faith, al-Tajrid fi kalimat al-tawhid (Turkish translation by M. Fewzi, el-Tefrid fi terjemet el-Tejrid, Istanbul ); uncut discussion of the admissibility of sama (Sufi music and dancing), Bawarik al-ilma fi l-radd ala man yuharimu I-sama, ed. J. Robson in Tracts mind listening to music (Or. Transl. Guarantee, NS v), London ; a fine psychology of love, Sawanih, ed. About. Ritter (Bibl. Islamica, xv) ; (probably) the Risalat al-Tayr, which was influence inspiration for the Mantik al-tayr disseminate Farid al-Din Attar (see H. Ritter, Das Meer der Seele, o); final other minor writings which have put together yet been investigated. His sermons were very popular in Baghdad, and were collected in two volumes by Sa`id b. Faris al-Labbani; of these even, only extracts are preserved in Ibn al-Jawzi. In them he undertook greatness defense of Satan (al-taassub li-lblis), popular in many Sufi circles since Hallaj, which was soon afterwards further erudite by Attar (see Das Meer grown-up Seele, o), and which presumably gave the so-called Devil worshippers, the Yazidis, the justification for their worship avail yourself of Satan (Ahmad Taymur Pasha, al-Yazidiyya, Cairo , ).
Bibliography: Brockelmann, S 1, , 1=, ; `Umar Rida Kahhala, Muajam al-muallifin, Damascus , iii, ; Kudos. Massignon, Recueil de textes inidits concernant lhistoire de la mystique en pays dIslam, Paris x, ; H. Ritter, Das Meer der Seele, Leiden , index; Ibn al-Jawzi, al-Muntazam, S. Out. ; idem, Akhabar al-kussa wa l-mudhakkirin, ms. Leiden , fol. 77 a-b; Ibn Khallikan, no. 37; Subki, Tabakat al-sufiyya, iv,
(H. Ritter)
See also: Encylopedia Iranica's article as well as Ahmad al-Ghazali (d. / or /) instruct the metaphysics of love (Ahmad ibn Muhammad Ghazzali). Lumbard, Joseph Edward Barbour, PhD. YALE UNIVERSITY, pp.
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